

存款准备金率 时间:2021-06-22


  新浪财经讯 央行网站周二公布一篇由央行研究局局长徐忠撰写的工作论文,文中建议下调存款准备金率,从而降低金融机构负担。在徐忠看来,银行的资本充足度和准备金面临明显约束,不断收紧的金融监管促使大量表外业务回归表内。





  Abstract: Chinese economy has become the high-quality development stage from the high growth period, which means the financial policy should de-emphasize the quality targets and measures to fully play the role of the price leverage in financial resources allocation. With the interest rate liberalization reform was preliminary accomplished, due to financial innovation and disintermediation as well as the more sophisticated financial market and products, it is urgent to transform China’s monetary policy from the quantity based mode to the price based mode, which is also the necessary step to achieve the high quality economic development.

  We first elaborately review the theory of monetary policy and practices in the advanced economies. We find out that the quantity and price are the two sides of one coin and it is equivalent of the quantity based monetary policy and the price based monetary policy in theory. The quantity policy takes effects directly but is prone to contort the price mechanism and individual behaviors. The price policy takes effects with the adjustment of the individuals which

  needs a good financial market and interest policy transmission. The development of financial market and monetary policy channel play an important role for the monetary policy mode.

  The retrospect of monetary policy in China shows that the necessary conditions for monetary policy transformation have been satisfied, but we also point out that the practice of monetary policy in modern sense lasts for only around twenty years, after abandoning the direct controls on credit behavior and turning to the quantity indirect policy with the money supply as the intermediate target in 1998. Central bank in China is always confronting the impetus of investment and credit expansion due the traditional growth-led economic mode. Because of the governmental preference to a higher growth rate, there are soft budget constraint sectors such as the local government vehicles, stated owned firms and housing industry enterprises. The supervisory affaires of the central bank in China were separated. While, due to the industry development dominance of the supervisory ideology, there are race to the bottom in the financial supervision, which promote the rapid growth of the shadow banking in recent years and financial risks are accumulated heavily. Although there is enough market breadth of the financial market, there are still too strict regulations and the market depth is relatively low. The monetary markets and bond markets are still separated, the admittance of the market, esp. the derivative markets are sill strictly controlled, the financial products are immature and there are still implicit dual interest track. The exchange rate is still lack of edacity.

  So, with the problems above, monetary policy in China still needs quantity measures and we should do lots of preparations to fulfill the sufficient conditions for the monetary policy transformation. The crucial point is the development of the financial market system, including mature financial micro foundations, good guards of financial institutions and well functional financial product markets. Financial markets developments also promote the interest policy transmission and will ensure the success of the monetary policy transformation. With the deepening of the supply-side reform and reform in the difficult areas of hedge risks, esp. the improvements of the governmental debts and supervisory systems, we should vigorously promote price-based monetary policy transformation, with which to enhance economic and financial high quality development.


  Key words: Interest Liberalization,Quantity Monetary Policy,Price Monetary Policy,High Quality Development


  Disclaimer: The Working Paper Series of the People‘s Bank of China (PBC) publishes research reports written by staff members of the PBC, in order to facilitate scholarly exchanges. The views of these reports are those of the authors and do not represent the PBC. For any quotations from these reports, please state that the source is PBC working paper series.


  2015 年 10 月,中国人民银行放开金融机构存款利率上限管制,标志着历经近二十年利率市场化改革的基本完成,这在我国利率市场化和整个金融改革历史上都具有重要的里程碑意义。不过,存贷款利率浮动管制的放开并不意味着中央银行不再对利率进行管理,而是要由行政手段转向更加倚重市场化工具和传导机制。理论上,利率作为资金的价格,中央银行完全有能力影响甚至决定市场利率水平;实践中,无论是利率管制国家还是利率市场化国家,中央银行对利率形成机制和利率水平都具有重要影响。因此,利率市场化更完整的表述,应是利率由货币政策当局和金融市场共同决定,利率市场化改革实际上包含着利率形成方式的市场化和利率调控方式的市场化两个不同的维度(纪敏和牛慕鸿,2014)。《金融业发展和改革“十二五”规划》明确将“放得开、形得成、调得了”作为我国利率市场化的改革原则。随着存贷款利率浮动限制的取消,利率“放得开”目标基本实现。不过,由于金融机构定价机制和货币政策传导等条件尚不成熟,我国在放开存贷款利率管制的同时仍保留了存贷款基准利率,今后还要在“形得成、调得了”等方面进行大量技术性准备。我国利率市场化正进入以市场化利率形成和调控机制为核心的深化改革新阶段。

  目前,我国经济正由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段,这就要求我们以新发展理念为指导,淡化 GDP 增长目标,从推动经济发展质量变革、效率变革、动力变革等方面,提高全要素生产率,改进增长的质量和效益。作为实体经济的镜像,更好服务实体经济是金融的本质要求。与经济发展阶段演进相适应,金融促进实体经济发展也应由规模扩张转向质量提升,金融调控也要减少对数量目标和手段的依赖。特别是,随着利率市场化改革的加快推进和基本完成,金融创新和金融脱媒迅猛发展,金融市场结构和金融产品日趋复杂,传统数量为主货币调控有效性日益下降,已不适应经济高质量发展的要求。为此,近年来中国人民银行多次指出,当前影响货币供给因素更加复杂,不应过度关注 M2 的变化,而是要更多关注利率价格指标,逐步推动货币价格调控方式转型 。2018 年,我国不再公布 M2 和社会融资规模数量目标,这既是货币政策调控框架转型迈出的重要一步,也更符合经济高质量发展的政策要求。




  根据操作目标或中间目标的不同,货币政策大体可分为数量调控和价格调控两种方式。理论上,货币的数量和价格是一个硬币的两面。在流动性效应下,货币数量的变化将影响价格调整,货币价格的调整也将引发数量相应变化(Friedman and Kuttner,2011)。因此,在金融市场发育健全、价格机制有效发挥条件下,对物价产出等货币政策最终目标而言,货币政策数量调控和价格调控的政策效果也应是等价的。不过,从政策机制来看,货币数量调控主要是根据变量间的宏观总量关系进行调控,政策效果直接明显,但容易扭曲价格机制并干预微观主体行为。货币价格调控主要是微观经济主体根据宏观经济信号调整自身行为,通过价格机制间接发挥作用,对市场发育程度和货币传导机制要求较高,政策链条较长,效果并不直接明确。可见,金融市场发育程度和货币政策传导机制对不同货币调控方式的政策有效性具有非常重要的影响,直接决定了一国货币政策调控框架及其转型进程。特别是,金融市场发展的广度深度与金融产品的价格形成(利率水平)和市场主体的风险管理能力密切相关,影响着货币传导和利率调控机制的畅通有效,对一国货币调控方式的选择至关重要。从国际经验来看,金融体系发育健全、货币政策利率传导机制通畅的发达经济体,货币政策主要采用以利率为主的价格调控方式,而新兴发展中经济体的货币政策则主要以数量调控为主(周小川,2004;Laurens et al., 2015)。

